Areas of Focus

Contentious Trusts & Estates

Jeremy has extensive experience in dealing with contentious trusts and estates.  That includes trustee removal applications, claims against trustees for breach of duty and for disclosure of information including trusts with an international element.  Jeremy also acted in both challenging and defending wills under the Family Protection Act, Testamentary Promises Act and on the grounds of lack of capacity as well as having informal wills validated under s14 of the Wills Act 2007.

Commercial Disputes

Jeremy regularly acts for commercial parties in disputes.  He has experience in the interpretation of complex contractual documentation, questions of misrepresentation and the application of the Fair Trading Act 1986, issues of breach and repudiation particularly agreements for sale and purchase of businesses, frustration and force majeure, estoppel and rectification. 

Financial Markets

Jeremy has considerable experience acting for clients in relation to the Securities Act 1978 and the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.  That includes bringing and defending claims under both pieces of legislation. 

Shareholder Disputes

Jeremy has frequently acted in shareholder disputes including in cases involving minority oppression under s174 of the Companies Act 1993, derivative claims, minority buy-out rights and the interpretation of constitutions.

Relationship Property & Family Law

Jeremy is an expert in relationship property division.  He has acted in a number of high profile cases and for high net worth individuals at both the beginning and end of relationships.  


As the youngest ever Fellow of the Arbitrators' and Mediators' Institute of New Zealand Jeremy is widely recognised in this area.  He has acted as counsel in arbitrations and is available for appointment as an arbitrator.  

Director Claims & Fiduciary Law

Jeremy is a leading expert in the areas of director claims and fiduciary law.  He has considerable experience in claims against directors for breach of duty, including the duty of good faith and reckless trading.  He has also brought claims for conflicts and use of confidential information and has experience in joint venture disputes.

Restructuring & Insolvency

Over his career Jeremy has acted for both debtors and creditors, including on numerous applications to set aside statutory demands and voidable transactions.  He has also acted in recovery proceedings in pursuit of debts.  Jeremy is a particular expert in the complex area of the liquidation of trustee companies. 


Jeremy has expertise in adjudications and has advised on multi-million dollar construction contracts.

Tort & Professional Liability

Jeremy has successfully brought claims and defended claims for negligence in a professional context.  

Injunctions and Freezing Orders

Jeremy has successfully obtained without notice injunctions freezing defendants’ assets in the past and regularly acts on urgent injunction applications.

Property Law

Jeremy advises on property law including acting on caveat proceedings and advising on the terms of restraints in leases as well as acting for land lords and tenants in leasing disputes. He has previously acted in relation to agreements for sale and purchase of land that have gone wrong.

Jeremy is an experienced litigator & dispute resolution specialist.

BA, LLB (Hons) (Cant), LLM (Camb), FAMINZ (Arb), FClArb, TEP

Contact Jeremy for an appointment
027 418 1654